Temperature and humidity controller (rail type not adjustable)_BAOYING Zhengchao Electric Appliance Co., Ltd

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Baoying Zhengchao Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.

Address: No.A01, Building 63, Sunshine Jincheng, North of Baitian Middle Road, Baoying County
Contact: Mr. Wu
Mobile: 18168273886
Phone: 0514-88259659
Fax: 0514-88259250
Email: 444208466@qq.com
Website: www.zcdldq.cn

Baoying Zhengchao Electric Appliances Co., Ltd.


Baoying Zhengchao Electric Appliances Co., Ltd. 苏ICP备19009900号-1


Temperature and humidity controller (rail type not adjustable)


Temperature and humidity controller (rail type not adjustable)

Affiliate classification
The WSK (TH) temperature and humidity controller with imported high-performance temperature and humidity sensor is suitable for long-term use in strong electric fields, strong magnetic fields and various harsh natural environments. The long-term evaluation and application of many users in the power system have proved that the product has stable and reliable performance and obvious anti-condensation effect. It can effectively prevent various accidents caused by the high internal humidity of the operating power equipment.
It is used for automatic temperature control, heating and dehumidification of the cabinet body of the high-voltage switch operating mechanism, and automatic temperature control, heating and dehumidification of the instrument box and box change.
1. Main technical indicators
Humidity control: Humidity ≥90%RH, control end output AC220V, humidity ≤75%RH, control end closed
Temperature control: when the temperature is ≤5℃, the control terminal outputs AC220V
When the temperature is ≥13℃, the control terminal is closed, and the temperature control accuracy is ±2℃
Heating control: manual/automatic conversion
Output relay contact power: AC 220V/5A (resistive load)
Installation method and dimensions: 48×48×100 (mm) 35mm rail installation
Power supply: AC 220V±15%

DJR-U型电柜用不锈钢加热管主要用于SM6开关柜内部防潮,祛湿。特别适合柱形空间的安装,十分方便。带有接线盒,是进口加热管的替代品。外形尺寸:U形*310mm,R=15mm,Ф8.5mm 电压220V加热功率:50W;60W;75W;100W.  SRQ-U型电柜用加热管直径16mm,R=40mm,U形长度为440mm.电压:220V 功率:200W

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contact us

Address: No.A01, Building 63, Sunshine Jincheng, North of Baitian Middle Road, Baoying County
Contact: Mr. Wu
Mobile: 18168273886/13601446539
Phone: 0514-88259659 / 88259251
Fax: 0514-88259250
Email: cbyy2010@163.com
Website: www.zcdldq.cn

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